But where did Mario go?
25 July, 2020

The heroic deeds of our mysterious mechanic we'll call Mario continue. He is the one who decides who will have to go on the operating bridge and spoils our little ones with creams, waxes and delicate massages to make them even more beautiful.

"Have you seen Mario, his car's in the square, but he's not downstairs."

"Massi" arrived a couple of hours ago. I have to go down to bring new material to the archives, if you help me we'll look for it together".

The lights are on, the little ones are shining and they seem happy to see us back. "Mario????". He's not answering, maybe he's in the back of the museum. We're putting up magazines and folders, new work for our archivist Marta who will be busy the next few days.

"Mario..." no answer, but a dull sound seems to come from afar. He must be tinkering at the workshop bridge. Let's get past the Formula Boxer and into the museum's secret lair. Just silence. Metal noises, delicate and rhythmic. Far away. We're beginning to worry. That he's locked out in the parking lot? Let's open the doors. Just the hot, humid heat of this strange Milanese Caribbean summer. Alfa Romeos seem to be in order: doors locked, no toolbox around. Still those muffled shots... we walk down the nave and the sound becomes clearer, no trace of Mario.

"Look, there's a light coming through the trunk of the Giulia Spider 1600." The jingle has stopped. We're getting closer.

"Mario!!!! What are you doing in there?!"

"Oh good morning Elizabeth, I fixed the lock. Now look, it closes perfectly!"

"Fine... but... it shouldn't be in there. What if someone had inadvertently locked it???"

"The seal of the gaskets must be checked from the inside, otherwise you won't notice any small imperfections. And don't worry, I had my flashlight and phone with me. I wouldn't take any unnecessary risks."

This is how our Mario is made: careful, precise and knows every secret to take care of the Alfa Romeo of the Fratelli Cozzi Museum. Elisabetta recovers from her astonishment, goes back to her office smiling ... but who knows why Ligabue's song starts buzzing in her head: "Tanto Mario, reopens sooner or later".

If you want to continue reading about Mario's amazing adventures and want to help the Fratelli Cozzi Museum take care of the Alfa Romeo of the collection, adopt a car! Find all the information here.