Enterprise: engine of Culture and social equality

26 May, 2019

Woman in Power and Cozzi Brothers Museum collect the stories of women and business worth knowing.

"The beauty that is engaging, inspiring, welcoming", if the revolution of thought began here and the new forms of patronage?

True, the Fratelli Cozzi Museum knows about engines; we have more than 60 of them under the gleaming hoods of our Alfa Romeos. But those engines, would be (excuse us Alfisti) mere metal objects, if they were not children of ingenuity, instruments of passion, vehicles of history and culture. No Alfist story would be epic if it did not have humanity as its protagonist as well as the extraordinary vehicle. Thus, strong in this tradition and experience, we think that Culture can also be a roaring engine of the economy and social growth, and we are not alone in this conviction. The Terziario Donna Confcommercio group is also sensitive to the Economy of Culture and Knowledge, the cornerstone of the manifesto presented in Rome in recent weeks. We could not miss it.

On the occasion of the 6th Terziario Donna Confcommercio Forum "Women engine of recovery" we had the pleasant opportunity to see again our friend Filomena Pucci who edited the publication that collects some stories of women and business. One chapter is dedicated to our own Elisabetta Cozzi. Here is an excerpt. "Elisabetta says her museum was born by chance, but nothing happens by chance we know, least of all beautiful things. The idea was probably inside her, even as a young girl, when she listened to her father tell her about his passion. "It wasto celebrate the company's 60th anniversary and my father's 80th birthday that we asked a firm of architects to renovate the space where the collection was gathered. Only when they handed it back to us did we see and feel what that place was. What it really represented to us." This is where the observation, insight, and intuition began: "It seemed like an ambitious idea, maybe even out of place. Could culture be done in a garage?" Today the Museum actively works with the surrounding area by activating tours for schools and creating events that inspire guests: readings, workshops, meetings. It welcomes visitors from all over the world and organizes private and corporate events.
But although we love long journeys, we never forget that one of our driving forces is the connection with the local area that is why we were honored by Prof. Salvatore Forte's invitation to participate in the 1st Philanthropy Festival of the city of Legnano. But what is meant by "Philanthropy"? Prof. Forte, President of the Ticino Olona Foundation, explains: "When people talk about philanthropy, they easily think of world-famous personalities, such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos, who, with major payments, take on the most needy. Even in our community, names such as Talisio Tirinnanzi, Carlo dell'Acqua and Antonio Bernocchi call to mind meritorious actions in favor of the area and its citizens. On the other hand, in recent times philanthropy, remaining for its good part in the lap of capital and entrepreneurs and ceding part of its function to so-called "corporate social responsibility," has taken on more widespread forms and sees smaller handouts. "What we want to deal with in our Festival," points out the president of the Ticino Olona Community Foundation, Salvatore Forte, "is another form of philanthropy that complements and complements those mentioned above. It is the one that a great many people practice without even realizing that they are philanthropists. It is the philanthropy that is called out in the festival slogan: the taking charge of the other, our neighbor, our community. The purpose of this philanthropy is the realization of the greatest possible happiness of all people. Dedicating oneself to others, occupying part of one's time in volunteer activities, giving back part of what we earn to society (which, for its part, also ensures our well-being) all constitute forms of philanthropy that are indispensable to the construction and maintenance of a freer, equal and fraternal world." The Fratelli Cozzi Museum, has in its DNA the desire to "give back to the territory" and that is why, in just three years of activity, it has hosted more than 500 students, more than 10 schools and universities, joined the FAI days for the enhancement of Italian cultural heritage and is part of Museimpresa. In addition, the museum is the Home of WIP, the social and cultural movement that has been promoting ethical communication against stereotypes for 11 years.

"These are bad times, men say. They live well and times will be good. We are the times" St. Augustine

We talked about Museimpresa, an association is the Italian association of museums and business archives, promoted by Assolombarda and Confindustria. Through the preservation and enhancement of documents, iconographic materials, objects, products and machinery, they tell the story of the company and its protagonists. As also explained by "Libero Milano" which has dedicated an extensive article to the association. But we seem to recognize that photo...