MusempresaLab: the new edition gets underway
27 February, 2019
Riparte MuseimpresaLab, the format created by Museimpresa for the alternation of school-work. The Fratelli Cozzi Museum is among the pilot museums. What is it about?
Museimpresa LAB is a school-to-work alternation project aimed at students in the last three years of high school. The students will be involved in the conception, planning and realisation of a guided tour to tell visitors, with particular attention to their peers, about the museum through new narrative methods. The first edition achieved positive results in terms of participation by Museums and schools that seized this interesting opportunity to bring young people closer to Italy's industrial heritage through an active and stimulating format.
In these shots the students of the high schools Carlo Dell'Acqua of Legnano and Maggiolini of Parabiago who participated in the first edition of MuseimpresaLab.
The Fratelli Cozzi Museum has in its DNA the bond with the territory and, since the first year of activity, has wanted to weave a solid and lasting relationship with the students. In recent years we have had collaborations with the high schools Carlo Dell'Acqua of Legnano, Maggiolini of Parabiago, Fermi of Castellanza, which were joined by students of the Michelangelo Antonioni Institute (post-graduate course) and university students who wanted to follow thematic research paths related to the world of Alfa Romeo, communication and design.
With these premises, it is easy to see that, to the proposal made by Museimpresa to join the 'MuseimpresaLab' format, our response could only be positive. 2018 saw the launch of the first edition, starting with a number of Italian museums, and the Fratelli Cozzi Museum was also counted among the pilot museums. In the path designed for students, we focused on a number of themes that we believe will be of great use to students, both for those who will continue their academic path and for those who will decide to enter the world of work immediately. Content Management both independently and in groups, team organisation, public speaking, problem solving are the skills we have focused on to train the young people for the tours they run and more generally, to stimulate in them a reflection on how to approach the world of work. 

It hasn't always been easy, but the results were not lacking and we are proud of the rapid growth we have seen in the guys, some of whom have continued to stay in touch with us and, motivated by this success, we are also ready to face the new edition: let the MuseimpresaLab 2019 begin .

"The function of a museum should not be to show us things, but to allow us to see ourselves through things, to measure ourselves in relation to the objects on display. (J.M.G. Le Clézio)"