The Guardians of the Portello

January 24, 2021

Those who know the Guardians of the Galaxy are familiar with the team of these indomitable and likeable heroes, but today we have the pleasure to present the Guardians of the Portello! They are the ones who, with passion and resourcefulness, have accomplished a great mission: to save the Alfisti memory.

We are very happy to have supported this initiative that represents in a concrete way the function of custodians of memory that has always represented us. We believe, in fact, that museums play a fundamental role in historical narration, which starts with the objects they preserve and ends with the social value they represent for visitors. How many times have our visitors animated the Alfa Romeos in the Cozzi collection with smiles, tears and memories. This is the way we take care of people and cities: in a historical moment in which we are losing a generation that is the custodian of memory, we have the responsibility and the honour to preserve history, so that it may be the starting point of a journey towards the future.

And since the Alfisti "galaxy" is spread all over the world, we wanted to give you the announcement in the main foreign languages. 

"Dear Alfisti friends,

we are pleased to inform you that the Municipal Administration and the company Finiper Spa, owner of the area of intervention, have partially accepted our requests.

The gate of the old Alfa Romeo plant will be restored and moved about ten metres into the Park where it will become a place of memory of Alfa Romeo's great past.

The entire boundary wall and the adjoining guardhouse will have to be demolished because a large pipeline will have to pass underneath, which would have been impossible to move because of the nearby busy road.

Thanks also to your support, it has been possible to save this important historical find because that door, which is now just rusty iron, will become the symbol of the entrance to the world of mechanical culture, of men and women who made Milan great and of the History of the Automobile in Italy and beyond. But this future place to "live" will need some ideas that we are thinking about and that we are sure will get the support of all of us Alfisti.

We'll keep you posted.

The Guardians of the Portello"

"Memory is not what we remember, but what we remember" Octavio Paz

Dear Alfa Romeo fans and friends,

we are pleased to inform you that the Municipal Administration and Finiper Spa, owner of the intervention area, have partially accepted our requests.

The doorway of the old Alfa Romeo-Portello factory will be restored, moved about ten meters inside the Park where it will become a place of memory of the great past of Alfa Romeo.

The entire boundary wall and the attached guardhouse will have to be demolished because a large pipeline will have to pass underneath which would have been impossible to move due to the nearby busy road.

Thanks also to your support, the important historical relic was thus saved because a doorway, that doorway, which is now only rusty iron, will come to symbolize the entry into the world of mechanical culture, of men and women who have made Milan great and of the history of the automobile in Italy and beyond. But this future place to "live" will need some ideas that we are thinking about and that we are sure will get the support of all of us Alfa Romeo fans.

Thanks to all, we will keep you updated.

The Guardians of the Portello"

Chers amis Alfisti,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que l'Administration municipale et la société Finiper Spa, propriétaire de la zone d'intervention, ont partiellement accepté nos demandes.

Le Portail de l'ancien établissement de l'Alfa Romeo-Portello sera restauré, déplacé d'une dizaine de mètres à l'intérieur du Parc où il deviendra un lieu de mémoire du grand passé d'Alfa Romeo.

En revanche, l'ensemble du mur d'enceinte et la loge adhérente devront être démolis car un grand pipeline - qu'il aurait été impossible de déplacer en raison de la route très fréquentée à proximité - devra passer en dessous.

Thanks also to your support, this important historical relic has now been saved, so that a door, this door, which is no more than rolling iron, will become the symbol of the entry into the world of mechanical culture, of the men and women who made Milan great, and the history of the automobile in Italy and beyond. But this future place for "living" will need a few ideas that we are thinking about and which, we are sure, will receive the support of all of us Alfisti.

Merci à tous, nous vous tiendrons au courant.


The Guardians of the Portello"

Liebe Alpha-Freunde,

Wir freuen uns, euch mitteilen zu können, dass die Stadtverwaltung und die Firma Finiper Spa, Eigentümer des Bereichs, in dem wir die Arbeiten ausführen möchten, unserem Antrag teilweise stattgegeben haben.

Das Tor der alten Fabrik Alfa Romeo-Portello wird restauriert und etwa zehn Meter weiter in den Park verlegt, wo sie zum Denkmal für die große Vergangenheit von Alfa Romeo wird.

Die gesamte Umgebungsmauer und das angeschlossene Wachhaus müssen abgerissen werden, da darunter eine große Rohrleitung verlegt werden muss, da diese nicht unter der nahe gelegenen stark befahrenen Straße verlegt werden kann.

Dank eurer Unterstützung wurde ein wichtiges historisches Denkmal gerettet, denn ein Tor, von dem heute nur das rostige Eisen zu sehen ist, wird zum Symbol für den Eintritt in die Welt der mechanischen Kultur, für Männer und Frauen, die Mailand großartig gemacht haben und für die Automobilgeschichte in Italien und darüber hinaus. Aber um diesen Ort "wiederzubeleben" werden einige Ideen nötig sein, über die wir nachdenken, und wir sind sicher, dass er bei uns Alfa-Freunden Unterstützung findet.

Herzlichen Dank an alle, wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden.

The Guardians of the Portello"