We are international!
26 November, 2019
We have reached 10,000 guests from 25 countries, so we want to add an international tribute to our communication. 
The numbers help us to draw our year. The numbers tell us that more than 10,000 people wanted to visit the Fratelli Cozzi Museum during the guided tours, conferences and events. 25 nations and 5 continents (yes, how can we forget the Australian brothers?) demonstrating that our country has not lost its charm and its ability to be touristically and economically attractive. But there is one thing that makes us proud, and that is what comes from the emails, articles written by fans and journalists who visit the Museum. Articles written in languages different from ours, yet equally enthusiastic in telling a small-big story that becomes, page after page, "A tale called Italy". 
We are therefore pleased to announce in advance that we have started a collaboration with our alfisti friends overseas who will activate a research path on our archive, which will then be published in their magazine and that we will share with you.  

But in order not to leave you empty-handed, here is the new issue of "Overheard Cams", for which we thank the journalist and friend Robert Goldberg... hoping to have it back at the Museum with us soon.

(to read the magazine click on the image below)

You want to write a language article too? Write to